The Cabrillo Readathon has started. A huge thanks to everyone who has already gathered pledges, or made pledges or donations. You can still collect pledges throughout the reading period. Please make sure all donations are turned in on Monday, March 9.
Donations can be made by cash, check (made out to Cabrillo PTO), or online through 99Pledges. You can easily make and share a Readathon page for your student by visiting our main Readathon page and clicking Add Participant at the bottom. Then enter your student’s name and your email address (optional). All donations are tax deductible (if anyone needs a tax receipt for a cash or check donation, please make a note on your pledge sheet). Here is the link to the 99Pledges page:
Reading logs should be going home tomorrow, or your student can use their regular classroom reading log to keep track of how many minutes they read each week. Students can count any and all reading they do between February 10 and March 6, including audiobooks, graphic novels, bedtime reading, or reading to a family pet or sibling. You can even participate as a family.
For more details, including the list of prizes, or to print out reading logs or pledge sheets, visit the Cabrillo PTO web site at: