Friday, April 26
8:00 AM – 8:20 AM Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
8:45 AM Rainbow Spirit Assembly
April 29 – May 3
PEF Donation Week
Stay Tuned For Daily “Magic Moments” Posts. Here’s How:
- Simply “Like & Follow” our facebook page now!
- Watch for and participate in our daily “magic moments”, starting Monday April 29th, for your chance to win one of several prestigious PEF prize packages and/or community recognition!
Buy Your Yearbook!
Go and order your book today.
$27.00 (April 23rd – May 7th)
$35.00 (May 8th – May 31)
After that they are $40 cash. Purchase in office only.
Saturday, May 4
Jr. Olympics

Last Day of Academic Center, May 23, 2019
Coffee Please.
Need a quick coffee fix before school? We will have a coffee cart available every Friday before school. A percentage of the proceeds will help out PTO general fund. The coffee cart will be available in the courtyard between A and B Wing.
Attention 6th Grade Parents:
This is a gentle reminder to 6th grade parents: Students entering the 7th grade will need to have their immunizations updated before entering 7th grade next year. When you get them, please turn in the information to our front office so that we can update your child’s records. Thank you.
Does your child have a sibling coming to Kindergarten? If you did not list the sibling on your emergency card, please let us know. We currently have 35 incoming Kindergarteners who are siblings. If you’re not sure, contact our office to confirm. Kindergarten packets are available for pick-up in our office. (650) 738-6660, or email Mary Griggi or Rola Ababseh at or