An electronic way to budget and pay for your student’s purchases
Hi Cabrillo 🙂
This year Scholastic has rolled out a new feature that offers us an E-Wallet for our students to use specifically and only for their Book Fair purchases. You will be able to load up the account with your personal maximum amount allowable for your student to spend, only be charged for what was actually used when the Book Fair closes and not be concerned with lost cash!
Here is the link to a really quick, 40 second video to give you an idea of what it is all about…..
To sign up follow this link to our Book Fair homepage and find the E-wallet portal a bit down the page.
If this feature is something that will make your life a little bit easier please don’t hesitate to use it!
We will see you this week at the Book Fair!!
Thank you for all your support,
Nichole and Nancy